

Our newest single origin release is from an unsung region, it’s flippin’ tasty, but that’s not the only awesome thing about this coffee… It’s not a particularly recognised coffee growing region. I mean, to be honest there’s a lot of us who aren’t even sure where Timor-Leste is, let alone that they grow coffee there. Timor-Leste is a country that borders Indonesia and sits just north of the Australian continent. It’s a country that’s had a difficult time over the years. While a lot of coffee is grown there, most of it is low grade commodity coffee - the kind you find in well known instant coffees that might rhyme with Mes-waffay.  But there IS some much higher quality coffees...

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You buy great coffee. Here’s a way to make sure every cup tastes as banging as the first. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys good coffee, then I’m sure you’ve already given thought to how you store your coffee to keep it fresh. It’s no easy task. Those warm enticing aromas don’t hang around for long, and as time ticks along, the flavours start to dull.This is a problem highlighted with pre-ground coffee. While whole bean coffee can last and stay fresh much longer, the minute coffee is ground, and the surface area of grounds are exposed to the air, that road to staleness is rapidly increased. You can read about grinding coffee, and why it’s not as...

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